Raise Your Home's Value Instantly

The top 10 home improvements are listed by the greatest return on investment (ROI):

  1. Cleaning and de-cluttering ($290 cost / $1,990 price increase / 586% ROI)

  2. Lightening and brightening ($375 cost / $1,550 price increase / 313% ROI)

  3. Home staging ($550 cost / $2,194 price increase / 299% ROI)

  4. Landscaping ($540 cost / $1,932 price increase / 258% ROI)

  5. Repairing electrical or plumbing ($535 cost / $1,505 price increase / 181% ROI)

  6. Kitchen and bathroom ($1,265 cost/$3,435 price increase/172% ROI)

  7. Replace or shampoo carpets ($647 cost/$1,730 price increase/169% ROI

  8. Paint interior ($1,012 cost/$2,112 price increase/109% ROI)

  9. Repair floors ($931 cost/$1,924 price increase/107% ROI)

  10. Paint exterior ($1,467 cost/$2,222 price increase/51% ROI)